Project 498
Peaceful atom, from Kazakhstan to the world.

Project 498 – charity fund for nuclear energy awareness and helping the Semipalatinsk nuclear testing site victims.
Semipalatinsk testing site takes a very sad place in the history of Kazakh nation. Created in 1947
by the special decree of the Council of the Ministers of the Soviet Union, the enormous area of
18 500 square km in the Eastern part of Kazakhstan.
It was used for the nuclear weapons on land, under it, and in the air. Out of total 715 Soviet
military nuclear program explosions, 498 were held on the territory of Kazakhstan, including 25
on-ground explosions of total 27. Official authorities claimed that is territory was not inhabited,
thus neglecting to evacuate the people living in the area.
TANC is willing to take part in distinguishing peaceful nuclear energy generation from the
military application of this powerful source of energy, without forgetting the mournful part of
the history. This page will be used to inform about our group’s effort on supporting the deal of
nuclear non-proliferation, its key personalities, and events, as well as telling people about the
truly beautiful application of the peaceful atom today.
Nevada-Semipalatinsk and key persons
Nuclear non-proliferation program and obligations
Nuclear energy generation
Non-energetic peaceful applications of nuclear